Tuesday, May 21, 2013


i never thought i was the homeschooling sort of mother. i had the preconceived idea that these families were hippies or strictly religious or super confident teachers. never in my wildest dreams did i think i would want to go down this path or that i was even capable. i was more than happy to drop the boys off each day and collect them in the afternoon. i enjoyed the peace of the house when i was only working part time and even coped with the craziness when working full time. 

the last 12 months have changed me alot.

not only have i questioned everything we did and are doing but i question who the experts are and their wisdom just doesn't make sense anymore.

i tell my friends i have become anti-establishment. it all makes sense as i re-read the wisdom of menopause again...

for our family, the transition from a private christian school to distance education to homeschooling only seems radical if you are not living our life. i don't wear sneakers with my skirts and my armpits are (mostly) hair free...but winter is coming, so i make no promises...

hopefully this blog will show others that homeschooling is an amazing option for any family who cares about what their kids are learning and wanting to think outside normal expectations....

ps...i am struggling with whether to remain anonymous or not. time will tell but for now i am protecting my family's privacy. 

there will be lots more to be said here about homeschooling though....

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

not your average spergie blog

do you hear words you have never heard before or meant nothing to you and then you end up hearing them every day for the next week?

this happens to me often. sometimes after a game of scrabble. one recently was nefarious - my 16 yo used it in scrabble. i'd never heard of it. then i heard it & read it in books for weeks without even trying. go figure.

the latest for me was aspergers. sure i had heard of it but didn't really know what it meant. i didn't need to. i had 2 amazing teenage boys, a loving husband, a great career...

my world changed a year ago when after repeatedly being called by the school counselor about our youngest son. i won't go into the details right now but he was sad alot, being bullied at school & wasn't coping at all. after a few sessions with her it became clear to us she was trying very gently to tell us something...she thought J had an autism spectrum disorder and she recommended we have him assessed by a paed. 

this is the short version & i will expand later. i don't want to scare you off already.

the last 12 months have been a roller coaster of emotions, doctors, specialists, reexamining everything we knew & thought was mapped out for us.

and you know what....we are a better family & better parents than i ever imagined we could be. this wasn't the plan. i never thought i could home school. and yet i sit here on annual leave wanting to write a book about my experience & writing the curriculum for next semester for our son.

i write this purely form my perspective as my husband has his own voice & this is my blog that will form my book. it is where i may vent & carry on a little but hopefully it will shed light on what living with aspergers is like for one family. i hope it shows another mum that there is light & to be brave & try hard & stay positive. 

be warned...sometimes i use the f-word. if you are offended then you may need to find another blog. i promise i only use it when absolutely necessary but i promise it will be here at some stage. so, you have been warned. don't email/comment if you are offended.